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IBM Visual Inspector for iOS

Visual Inspector takes complex computer vision models developed on IBM Visual Insights and performs inferencing using an iOS/iPadOS device and its integrated camera. This allows you to dramatically improve production quality and speed so as to error-proof your manufacturing.

As an extended design, development, and product management team we were able to integrate the two products in 90 days and the app is actively running on automotive client sites.

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How it works

Business leaders need an easier way to reduce manufacturing errors, and Visual Inspector works together with data management and training hardware to provide real-time computer vision quality inspection.

Visual Inspector helps you make AI more accessible and simplifies the process of training, deploying, running, and managing computer vision models by leveraging the capabilities of compatible devices. This enables highly efficient and accurate visual inspection, whether devices are mounted at a fixed location such as a manufacturing environment, or handheld by field workers across many industries.

Visit the Product Page →


Branding IBM for iOS

I worked with visual designers, the Apple Store compliance team, and front-end development to ensure the app icon adhered to IBM brand guidelines for AI products and to Apple Store compliance around dark mode and legibility. We also ensured that the icon design communicated the core value add and capability of the product in a bold graphic.

Project Role


Design Lead

I advise the design of the iOS application, including front-end and API level requirements, in order ensure to experiential parity between the app and IBM Visual Insights (the model builder). I worked directly with iOS UX designers and the CoreML Apple team.


ESP: Enterprise Speculative Practices


IBM Cognitive Discovery